
Mark H Weaver <m...@netris.org> skribas:

> This patch changes the way that bignums are allocated, so that digits
> are now allocated using the GC allocation functions instead of standard
> malloc/realloc/free.
> Without this patch, computing (factorial 100000), where factorial is
> implemented using the straightforward iterative approach below, causes
> Guile to allocate a huge amount of memory.  This happens because the
> majority of the memory used by large bignums (the digits themselves) is
> not allocated by the GC, and so the GC doesn't run until a huge amount
> of memory has been allocated.
>   (define (factorial n)
>     (define (fac n acc)
>       (if (<= n 1)
>         accum
>         (fac (1- n) (* n acc))))
>     (fac n 1))

Ouch!  Thanks for tracking this down.

> With this patch, (factorial 100000) takes a long time but memory usage
> is modest.

OK, interesting.

Reminds me of the malloc hook trick:
It may still be worth considering for libguile, no?

> The main reason I haven't already pushed this patch is that there is a
> slight complication: when you register custom allocation functions for
> use by GMP, they get used for _all_ allocation, not just for digits.  In
> particular, they get used to allocate the block returned by mpz_get_str
> (when the first argument is NULL).  This means that if the user of
> mpz_get_str uses the standard "free" to deallocate this block, it will
> fail badly.  This could potentially affect programs which use libguile
> but also use the GMP functions directly.

Yes, that's a problem, probably even be a showstopper for 2.0.  :-(

What do others think?

> +static void
> +custom_gmp_free (void *ptr, size_t size)
> +{
> +  scm_gc_free (ptr, size, "bignum-digits");
>  }

May be safer to do nothing here (see <gc.h>.)


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