
I wanted to enter meta data where the symbols are important into a syntax
object and tried to be smart
in doing that but stumbled on this because loading (a simplified example)
the attached file I get an annoying error e.g.

ERROR: bad src
$7 = #(a (a b) (a (b c) #f))

So, what's up with this?

(eval-when (compile load eval)
  (define (syntax->list x)
    (syntax-case x ()
      ((x . l) (cons #'x (stx->list #'l)))
      (()     '()))))

(eval-when (compile load eval)
  (define (my-datum->syntax stx l)
     (map (lambda (x) `(quote ,x)) l))))

(define q 1)

(define-syntax f
  (lambda (x)
    #`(vector #,@(my-datum->syntax #'q
                                   '(a (a b) (a (b c) #f))))))

(f 1)

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