Stefan Israelsson Tampe <> writes:

> Is this an optimization we need. I can figure out applications where you do
> not want this behavior e.g. I wan't to make distinct objects
> and add metadata by making a vector of it. Now different objects might have
> the same metadata and now go against my intuition and
> coerce the objects.

I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to say, make vector of
what, the distinct objects? Then you can't do that as a vector literal
anyway. Anyway if vectors are immutable, as I believe they are, it
doesn't really harm to make them eq?

If you want distinctness and mutability, you can always call the vector

Ian Price --

"Programming is like pinball. The reward for doing it well is
the opportunity to do it again" - from "The Wizardy Compiled"

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