() l...@gnu.org (Ludovic Courtès)
() Wed, 17 Apr 2013 14:52:40 +0200

   concrete cases of recurring short writes?

The original application was "ttn-do serve-debiso", which configures
"ttn-do sizzweb" to serve debian ISOs (or rather, the various component
.deb files and metadata that apt-get requests from the loopback-mounted
ISO) over the home network.

Specifically, proc ‘prep-file-transfer’ in module ‘(ttn-do sizzweb)’
calls ‘sendfile’ in a loop.  Admittedly, that code could be replaced by
‘sendfile/never-fewer’, as the retval is not used in a particularly
intelligent way, but anyway, the point is, at time of writing and early
testing *sans looping*, apt-get on the other computer would stall and
eventually die, complaining.  That's when i learned to read and think
about sendfile(2) more carefully than i had before.

It would be nice to point to a ChangeLog entry that embodies this "ah
ha!" moment, but as it turned out, the testing was done before commit.
Oh well, life goes on...

Thien-Thi Nguyen
GPG key: 4C807502

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