Taahir Ahmed <ahmed.taa...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Tuesday 14 July 2015 21:36:31 Andreas Rottmann wrote: 
>> Just a minor nitpick: it might make sense to add a pair of macros to
>> libguile/__scm.h for the '#ifdef __cplusplus' dance, so these
>> boilerplate additions become just two lines, e.g.:
> That's a good idea, and I've gone ahead and incorporated it.  I won't
> publish a new patchset here, because it doesn't really change anything.
> As an aside, have you received patch 3?  It hasn't shown up in the list
> archive, and I've sent it again, with no luck.  I'm unsure if it somehow
> got held for moderation.
No, it indeed hasn't reached me via the list. Is it perhaps very large?

Regards, Rotty
Andreas Rottmann -- <http://rotty.xx.vu/>

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