> Awesome blogpost.  Very clean and fun to read!  Is this generated with
> static website generator for org-mode?

That's great to hear! Appreciate the feedback, I'm glad the writing
style is working, will try to maintain it.

The website is a static website that is implemented in Guile, but does
not use any static website generator library.

However, it does use Nectar, which is a markup library that allows you
to use Guile in the markup itself. I will write documentation for it
soon, and try to implement an Org-Mode converter (Markdown was recently
implemented). My goal is to use the library to supercharge the tutorial
and guide writing and viewing experience. Nectar will allow me to make a
very interactive and useful website, for which content can also be
transpiled into Texinfo, Markdown, Plain text, Org-Mode, or anything else
people would like.

My website was a dogfooding attempt, and it has worked well, so
hopefully more good things to come :)

Blog post source / Nectar sample:

Nectar: https://gitlab.com/vijaymarupudi/nectar

Website source code: https://gitlab.com/vijaymarupudi/vijaymarupudi.com

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