We are excited to announce a devroom on Declarative and Minimalistic
Computing at FOSDEM on 4th of February, 2023!

FOSDEM is one of the most important free software conferences and is
hosted annually at Université libre de Bruxelles in Brussels,
Belgium. This year FOSDEM will be a physical
conference. Talks will be done in person and we will also have virtual talks!

We accept talks from languages that attempt to minimize use of hardware
and software while trying to make systems simpler, more robust and more
secure. If you are working on improving today's systems taking
declarative/minimalistic approaches feel free to submit a talk
proposal. Examples include the Scheme/Lisp family of programmings languages. In past editions, this devroom has received presentations from a varied number of language communities, including Forth, Guile, Lua, Nim, Racket, Raku and Tcl as well as several experimental projects that push minimalism in new directions.

Minimalism and declarative programming are two important topics for
this devroom. Minimalism matters. Minimalism allows for smaller
systems that take less resources and consume less energy. More
importantly, free and open source minimalism allows for secure systems
that are easy to understand. Declarative programming is a programming
paradigm that expresses the logic of a computation without describing
its control flow. Many languages that apply this style attempt to
minimize or eliminate side effects by describing what the program must
accomplish in terms of the problem domain, rather than describe how to
accomplish it as a sequence of the programming language primitives.

Finally, in this year's virtual conference we will honour the late Professor [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Ritchie Dennis Ritchie] the creator of the C programming language and the Unix operating system. C was designed as a minimal language that reflects the underlying CPU architecture closely, i.e., a high-level assembler. C is very popular today and the Linux kernel is almost completely written in C. In this edition we will also invite speakers that are working on new projects and minimalistic languages in the spirit of C.

We want to invite you to submit a talk on declarative and minimalistic
computing that fits that description. We are especially happy to
receive talk submissions from members of groups underrepresented in
free software.

If you have something you’d like to share with your fellow developers,
please E-mail us! Talks considered for the devroom will have to
be entered in

  - https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM23

The deadline for submission is December 3rd. If you have a FOSDEM
pentabarf account from a previous year, please use that
account. Otherwise add one on
https://penta.fosdem.org/user/new_account. Reach out to
pjotr.public...@thebird.nl or manolis...@gmail.com if you run into any

When submitting your talk make doubly sure to select "Declarative and
Minimalistic Computing devroom" as track (if you don't we won't find
it), and include the following information:

  * The title and subtitle of your talk
  * A short abstract of one paragraph
  * A longer description if you wish to do so
  * Links to related websites/blogs etc

To see what a final talk looks like see


Let's make this a fun day!

= Organizers =

Pjotr Prins, Manolis Ragkousis, Jonhathan McHugh, Bonface Munyoki, Arun Isaac, Ludovic Courtès, Amirouche Boubekki,
Hisham Muhammad, Jan Nieuwenhuizen, Ricardo Wurmus, Alex
Sassmannshausen, William Byrd, Oliver Propst, Efraim Flashner, Julien Lepiller

= Code of conduct =

  - https://fosdem.org/2023/practical/conduct/

= Original proposal =

  - https://libreplanet.org/wiki/FOSDEM2023-devroom-proposal

= Important dates: =

  - Dec 3rd 2022:  submission deadline for talk proposals
  - Dec 15th 2022:  announcement of the final schedule
  - Feb  4th 2023:  FOSDEM!


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