Eli Zaretskii <e...@gnu.org>:

>> Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 10:18:32 +0100
>> From: <to...@tuxteam.de>
>> I think the only sane way to see a Linux file system path is the way
>> Linux sees it: as a byte string.
> This would lose a lot in 99% of use cases. You are, in effect,
> suggesting a "reverse optimization", whereby the majority of use cases
> is punished in favor of a small minority, based on theoretical
> intractability.

I think this is a question of software security as well. These
"theoretical" loopholes could be used for sabotage that evades testing.

>> Sure, some helper infrastructure to try to make characters of that
>> mess will be welcome, but that should be absolutely robust wrt.
>> unexpected input e.g. bad UTF-8) and leave control to the
>> application.
> Most applications won't like this burden, because most application
> programmers don't know enough about the issue to solve them correctly,
> especially for users of other OSes and locales.

AFAIK, Windows allows pathnames that are illegal Unicode as well, namely
pathnames with isolated surrogate code points (<URL:

I don't have access to a Windows machine so maybe somebody else could
confirm my suspicion.


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