> On Jul 15, 2017, at 1:24 AM, Amirouche <amirou...@hypermove.net> wrote:
> Le 15/07/2017 à 06:35, Matt Wette a écrit :
>>> On Jul 14, 2017, at 5:44 PM, Amirouche Boubekki <amirou...@hypermove.net> 
>>> wrote:
>>> On 2017-07-15 01:17, Matt Wette wrote:
>>>>   I tried git2 but those headers are too
>>>> broken.
>>> What do you mean by "too broken"? Maybe it will be easier in the long run 
>>> to maintain our own version of the headers than manually bind everything. 
>>> Even if it requires to create a shim layer in scheme to have a proper set 
>>> of bindings that schemer will enjoy. Also, git is a good candidate since 
>>> there are some tests already in guile-git [1].
>> Maybe another bug in my CPP.
>> (define-ffi-module (libgit2)
>>   #:include '("git2.h")
>>   #:inc-dirs '("/opt/local/include")
>>   #:library '("git2")
>>   )
>> mwette$ guild compile-ffi libgit2.ffi
>> (unknown):1: not found: “common.h"
> With the following .ffi file:
> (define-ffi-module (libgit2)
>  #:include '("git2.h")
>  #:inc-dirs '("/usr/include" "/usr/include/git2" 
> "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/"  "/usr/include/linux/")
>  #:library '("git2")
>  )
> I now have the following output:
> $ guild compile-ffi libgit2/libgit2.ffi
> TODO: compile-ffi args, arrays, extern variables
> (unknown):1: parse failed at state 59, on input "__attribute__"
> (unknown):1: C99 parse error

No surprise that it doesn’t work right now on non-Mac.  Add  #:inc-help 
‘((“__builtin” “__attribute__(X)=“))

My goal is release something that works in October 2017.  That may be an 
ambitious goal.


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