
> However, when I call this macro as follows:
> --------8<--------begin-------->8--------
> (define-api-route /container/json 'POST
> application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
> --------8<--------end-------->8--------
> I get the following error:
> --------8<--------begin-------->8--------
> ;;; <stdin>:33:0: warning: possibly unbound variable `/container/json'
> ;;; <stdin>:33:0: warning: possibly unbound variable
> `application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
> <unnamed port>:33:0: In procedure module-lookup: Unbound variable:
> /container/json
> --------8<--------end-------->8--------

Here it might help you to see the expansion of the macro.  In the REPL
you can use

    ,expand (define-api-route /container/json 'POST 

to see what Scheme code the thing expands to.


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