I wrote:
> Zelphir could propose a SRFI for the API only, with no reference
> implementation.  The existing implementation could remain copylefted.

John Cowan <co...@ccil.org> replied:
> Unfortunately not.  A SRFI must have a sample implementation to get
> finalized (otherwise it is feared there would be too many WIBNI SRFIs).
> The implementation doesn't have to be portable, but it has to have the
> correct license.

That's unfortunate.  I stand corrected.

Nonetheless, I find it regrettable that you've chosen to pressure a
library author on a GNU project forum to abandon copyleft licensing.
Personally, I don't think that SRFIs are important enough to justify
bowing to such pressure.  Guile-JSON's association with Guile and Guix
is enough for it to gain wide adoption, whether it is a SRFI or not.
That said, it is of course Aleix's decision how to license his library.


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