Thanks all.
Both parameters and boxes work for me with guile-3.0.9, which is what I run
on my local machine.

>> I get the impression that you were asking this more for curiosity about
how the language implementation works than to solve a problem

I am trying to solve a problem. I have old code running on a remote server
using guile-3.0.5. When I pull to local (guile-3.0.9) that code no longer
works using 3.0.9. I find the problem is that globals are not properly
exported. If I run my original test code on the server - works fine
(without boxes, parameters).  To clarify I am using:

-------------testexport.scm begin----------------------------------
(define-module (testexport)
  #:use-module (ice-9 pretty-print)
  #:use-module (env)

(define (main)
  (pretty-print (string-append  "varA in main: " varA))
  (pretty-print (string-append  "varB in main: " varB))
  (pretty-print (string-append  "varC in main: " varC))

-------------testexport.scm end----------------------------------

------------env.scm begin-----------------------------------
(define-module (env)
  #:use-module (ice-9 pretty-print)
  #:export(varA varB varC))

(define varA "A")
(define varB "")
(define varC "")
(define testval "x")

 ((string= testval "x") (set! varB "B"))
 ((string= testval "y") (set! varB "error"))
 ((string= testval "z") (set! varB "null"))
(pretty-print (string-append "varB post cond: " varB))

(if (string= testval "x")  (set! varC "C"))
(pretty-print (string-append "varC post if: " varC))
-------------env.scm end----------------------------------

remote server running guile 2.2.7:

admin@ip-172-31-16-153:~/testexport$  guile -L . ./testexport.scm
;;; note: auto-compilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0
;;;       or pass the --no-auto-compile argument to disable.
;;; compiling /home/admin/testexport/./testexport.scm
;;; compiling ./env.scm
;;; compiled
"varB post cond: B"
"varC post if: C"
;;; compiled
"varA in main: A"
"varB in main: B"
"varC in main: C"
admin@ip-172-31-16-153:~/testexport$ guile -v
guile (GNU Guile) 2.2.7
Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

License LGPLv3+: GNU LGPL 3 or later <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

remote server running guile-3.0.5:

/gnu/store/q8brh7j5mwy0hbrly6hjb1m3wwndxqc8-guile-3.0.5/bin/guile -L .
;;; note: auto-compilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0
;;;       or pass the --no-auto-compile argument to disable.
;;; compiling /home/admin/testexport/./testexport.scm
;;; compiling ./env.scm
;;; compiled
"varB post cond: B"
"varC post if: C"
;;; compiled
"varA in main: A"
"varB in main: B"
"varC in main: C"

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