juli pushed a commit to branch wip-goblinsify
in repository shepherd.

commit 531176a4f6532e1b07ebcf3f89beb35af37556a0
Author: Juliana Sims <j...@incana.org>
AuthorDate: Thu Oct 10 09:19:21 2024 -0400

    scratch: Cleanup comments somewhat.
 scratch.scm | 13 ++++++-------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scratch.scm b/scratch.scm
index 2cbbe74..d80846b 100644
--- a/scratch.scm
+++ b/scratch.scm
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ it"
      (bcom (^pcell bcom new-val) new-val)]))
 (define-syntax define-pcell
-  ;; Define a Cell using standard Scheme define syntax.
+  ;; Define a PropagatedCell using standard Scheme define syntax.
   (syntax-rules ()
     [(_ id)
      (define id
@@ -219,9 +219,8 @@ Log abnormal termination reported by @var{status}."
 ;; We don't want users to have to be aware of and use vats or actormaps when
 ;; writing Shepherd configs, and we also want them to be able to use the same
-;; API they've been using. This format allows us to produce a thunk for 
-;; services as part of register-services so users don't have to worry about
-;; implementation details.
+;; API they've been using. This format allows us to spawn services as part of
+;; register-services so users don't have to worry about implementation details.
 (define* (service provision
                   (requirement '())
@@ -292,7 +291,7 @@ denoting what the service provides."
   ;; replacement for this service if there is one, else #f
   (define replacement (spawn ^cell))
   ;; logger for this service if there is one, else #f
-  ;; TODO implement as actor; for now just a list
+  ;; TODO implement as actor; for now just a list.
   ;; may be best to have this proxy service actor
   ;; (unless we use Aurie for log?)
   (define logger (spawn ^cell '()))
@@ -307,8 +306,6 @@ denoting what the service provides."
    ((respawn?) respawn?)
    ((respawn-limit) respawn-limit)
-    "Return true of RESPAWNS, the list of times at which a given service was
-respawned, shows that it has been respawned more than TIMES in SECONDS."
     (define now (current-time))
     (define seconds (cdr respawn-limit))
@@ -461,6 +458,8 @@ respawned, shows that it has been respawned more than TIMES 
    ;; QUESTION: how do we handle the case of multiple active services providing
    ;; the same thing, eg database? How does a dependent know it's depending on
    ;; database-x instead of database-y if we have both in a network of 
+   ;; RESPONSE: Jessica mentioned the idea of having sturdyrefs + petnames for
+   ;; remote services. This could work.
    ((required-by? dependent)
     (on (<- dependent 'requirement)
         (lambda (dependent-requirement)

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