Hi Guix,

this patch adds the GNU Compiler for Java to the gcc module.  We need
GCJ to build IcedTea6 / OpenJDK, which in turn could be used to build

GCJ unfortunately has a binary dependency, the Eclipse Compiler for
Java.  GCJ expects to be given the path of the ecj.jar at compile time.
ECJ is provided as ecj-bootstrap-4.8.  I don't know if GCJ is built such
that this ECJ binary is no longer required at the end (but I know that
IcedTea6 also needs the ECJ jar).  For IcedTea6 we could compile ECJ
from source with GCJ, but I don't know how to deal with GCJ's dependency
on ECJ.  Having it depend on a binary is ugly.

GCJ is built with options to create symlinks to function as a primitive
JDK.  It does not provide wrappers for javap and javac, so these are
added in an extra phase.  I took the javac perl wrapper from Gentoo, but
I suppose a script in Guile might be nicer (there is no official
upstream source for the wrapper script, so we might as well roll our

Anyway, your comments are very welcome.

-- Ricardo

>From 56f43a9042853aca79f60808a51d328dfbe420a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ricardo Wurmus <ricardo.wur...@mdc-berlin.de>
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 12:31:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] gnu: Add GCJ

* gnu/packages/gcc.scm (gcj-4.8, ecj-bootstrap-4.8): New variable.
* gnu/packages/javac.in: New file.
 gnu/packages/gcc.scm  | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 gnu/packages/javac.in | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 gnu/packages/javac.in

diff --git a/gnu/packages/gcc.scm b/gnu/packages/gcc.scm
index 276b986..67308bc 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/gcc.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/gcc.scm
@@ -19,16 +19,18 @@
 (define-module (gnu packages gcc)
   #:use-module ((guix licenses)
-                #:select (gpl3+ gpl2+ lgpl2.1+ lgpl2.0+))
+                #:select (epl1.0 gpl3+ gpl2+ lgpl2.1+ lgpl2.0+))
   #:use-module (gnu packages)
   #:use-module (gnu packages bootstrap)
   #:use-module (gnu packages compression)
   #:use-module (gnu packages multiprecision)
   #:use-module (gnu packages texinfo)
   #:use-module (gnu packages elf)
+  #:use-module ((gnu packages perl) #:select (perl))
   #:use-module (guix packages)
   #:use-module (guix download)
   #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
+  #:use-module (guix build-system trivial)
   #:use-module (guix utils)
   #:use-module (ice-9 regex))
@@ -336,6 +338,98 @@ Go.  It also includes runtime support libraries for these languages.")
               ;; a cyclic dependency.  <http://debbugs.gnu.org/18101>
               #:separate-lib-output? #f))
+(define-public gcj-4.8
+  (package (inherit gcc-4.8)
+    (name "gcj")
+    (inputs
+     (append (package-inputs gcc-4.8)
+             `(("fastjar"       ,fastjar)
+               ("perl"          ,perl)
+               ("javac.in"      ,(search-path %load-path
+                                              "gnu/packages/javac.in"))
+               ("ecj-bootstrap" ,ecj-bootstrap-4.8))))
+    ;; Suppress the separate "lib" output, because otherwise the
+    ;; "lib" and "out" outputs would refer to each other, creating
+    ;; a cyclic dependency.  <http://debbugs.gnu.org/18101>
+    (outputs
+     (delete "lib" (package-outputs gcc-4.8)))
+    (arguments
+     (substitute-keyword-arguments `(#:modules ((guix build gnu-build-system)
+                                                (guix build utils)
+                                                (ice-9 regex)
+                                                (srfi srfi-1)
+                                                (srfi srfi-26))
+                                               ,@(package-arguments gcc-4.8))
+       ((#:configure-flags flags)
+        `(let ((ecj (string-append (assoc-ref %build-inputs "ecj-bootstrap")
+                                   "/share/java/ecj.jar")))
+           (append (list "--enable-java-home"
+                         "--enable-gjdoc"
+                         (string-append "--with-ecj-jar=" ecj))
+            (cons "--enable-languages=java"
+                  (remove (cut string-match "--enable-languages.*" <>)
+                          ,flags)))))
+        ((#:phases phases)
+         `(alist-cons-after
+           'install 'install-javac-and-javap-wrappers
+           (lambda _
+             (let* ((javac  (assoc-ref %build-inputs "javac.in"))
+                    (ecj    (assoc-ref %build-inputs "ecj-bootstrap"))
+                    (gcj    (assoc-ref %outputs "out"))
+                    (gcjbin (string-append gcj "/bin/"))
+                    (jvm    (string-append gcj "/lib/jvm/"))
+                    (target (string-append jvm "/bin/javac")))
+               (symlink (string-append gcjbin "jcf-dump")
+                        (string-append jvm "/bin/javap"))
+               ;; Create javac wrapper from the template javac.in by
+               ;; replacing the @VARIABLES@ with paths.
+               (copy-file javac target)
+               (patch-shebang target)
+               (substitute* target
+                 (("@JAVA@")
+                  (string-append jvm "/bin/java"))
+                 (("@ECJ_JAR@")
+                  (string-append ecj "/share/java/ecj.jar"))
+                 (("@RT_JAR@")
+                  (string-append jvm "/jre/lib/rt.jar"))
+                 (("@TOOLS_JAR@")
+                  (string-append jvm "/lib/tools.jar")))
+               (chmod target #o755)
+               #t))
+           ,phases))))))
+(define-public ecj-bootstrap-4.8
+  (package
+    (name "ecj-bootstrap")
+    (version "4.8")
+    (source (origin
+              (method url-fetch)
+              (uri (string-append "ftp://sourceware.org/pub/java/ecj-"; version ".jar"))
+              (sha256
+               (base32
+                "10fpqfbdzff1zcbxzh66xc8xbij9saykcj4xzm19wk9p3n7i5zcq"))))
+    (build-system trivial-build-system)
+    (arguments
+     `(#:modules ((guix build utils))
+       #:builder (begin
+                   (use-modules (guix build utils))
+                   (let* ((source  (assoc-ref %build-inputs "source"))
+                          (output  (assoc-ref %outputs "out"))
+                          (javadir (string-append output "/share/java")))
+                     (begin
+                       (mkdir-p javadir)
+                       (copy-file source
+                                  (string-append javadir "/ecj.jar"))
+                       #t)))))
+    (home-page "http://www.eclipse.org";)
+    (synopsis "Eclipse Java bytecode compiler")
+    (description
+     "ECJ is the Java bytecode compiler of the Eclipse Platform.  It is also
+known as the JDT Core batch compiler.")
+    (license epl1.0)))
 (define-public gcc-objc-4.8
   (custom-gcc gcc-4.8 "gcc-objc" '("objc")))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/javac.in b/gnu/packages/javac.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adb4dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/javac.in
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Taken from Gentoo:
+# http://sources.gentoo.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/gentoo-x86/dev-java/gcj-jdk/files/javac.in
+use strict;
+use constant NO_DUP_ARGS => qw(-source -target -d -encoding);
+use constant STRIP_ARGS => qw(-Werror -implicit:none -J-Xbootclasspath/p:);
+my $ECJ_WARNINGS="-nowarn";
+my ( @bcoption, @source15, @target15, @cp );
+push @bcoption, '-bootclasspath', '@RT_JAR@:@TOOLS_JAR@'
+    unless grep {$_ eq '-bootclasspath'} @ARGV;
+push @source15, '-source', '1.5'
+    unless grep {$_ eq '-source'} @ARGV;
+push @target15, '-target', '1.5'
+    unless grep {$_ eq '-target'} @ARGV;  
+push @cp, '-cp', '.'
+    unless grep {$_ =~ '\-c(p|lasspath)'} @ARGV or $ENV{CLASSPATH};
+my @ecj_parms = ($ECJ_WARNINGS, @bcoption, @source15, @target15, @cp);
+# Work around ecj's inability to handle duplicate command-line
+# options and unknown javac options.
+sub gen_ecj_opts
+    my @new_args = @{$_[0]};
+    for my $opt (NO_DUP_ARGS) 
+    {
+	my @indices = reverse grep {$new_args[$_] eq $opt} 0..$#new_args;
+	if (@indices > 1) {
+	    shift @indices;    # keep last instance only
+	    splice @new_args, $_, 2 for @indices;
+	}
+    }
+    for my $opt (STRIP_ARGS) 
+    {
+	my @indices = reverse grep {$new_args[$_] eq $opt} 0..$#new_args;
+	splice @new_args, $_, 1 for @indices;
+    }
+    return \@new_args;
+sub split_vm_args
+    my @new_args = @{$_[0]};
+    my @vm_args = map { substr $_, 2 } grep $_ =~ /^-J/, @new_args;
+    my @javac_args = grep $_ !~ /^-J/, @new_args;
+    return (\@vm_args, \@javac_args);
+my ($vm_args, $javac_args) = split_vm_args (gen_ecj_opts( \@ARGV ));
+my @CLASSPATH = ('@ECJ_JAR@');
+push @CLASSPATH, split /:/, $ENV{"CLASSPATH"} if exists $ENV{"CLASSPATH"};
+$ENV{"CLASSPATH"} = join ':', @CLASSPATH;
+exec '@JAVA@', @$vm_args, 'org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.batch.Main', @ecj_parms, @$javac_args;

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