This reduces memory and CPU usage (unless you only have one CPU core),
and reduces the time needed to compile, during 'guix pull'.


It used to use as many guile processes as you have cores, each consuming
about 100-150 MB memory.  Now it uses a single guile process whose
memory consumption grows linearly until it reaches almost 300 MB.


It used to max out every CPU core, now just one. :-)


It used to take ~18 minutes on my machine, now less than 3.

The code is vastly simplified as well, as you see.  I'm not sure if
there's a good way to parallelize it though, and it's somewhat hacky to
keep all the modules in memory instead of spawning a clean guile to
compile each file...

>From fd5d9bf77fd38fad354d66c31e57bc9bbc86481f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Taylan=20Ulrich=20Bay=C4=B1rl=C4=B1/Kammer?=
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2015 16:21:48 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] build: pull: Compile .scm files in one process.

* guix/build/pull.scm (call-with-process): Removed procedure.
(report-build-progress): Removed procedure.
(p-for-each): Removed procedure.
(build-guix): Don't create subprocesses to compile the .scm files.
 guix/build/pull.scm | 119 +++++++++++-----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/guix/build/pull.scm b/guix/build/pull.scm
index 281be23..0aa14eb 100644
--- a/guix/build/pull.scm
+++ b/guix/build/pull.scm
@@ -33,75 +33,10 @@
 ;;; Code:
-(define (call-with-process thunk)
-  "Run THUNK in a separate process that will return 0 if THUNK terminates
-normally, and 1 if an exception is raised."
-  (match (primitive-fork)
-    (0
-     (catch #t
-       (lambda ()
-         (thunk)
-         (primitive-exit 0))
-       (lambda (key . args)
-         (print-exception (current-error-port) #f key args)
-         (primitive-exit 1))))
-    (pid
-     #t)))
-(define* (report-build-progress total completed cont
-                                #:optional (log-port (current-error-port)))
-  "Report that COMPLETED out of TOTAL files have been completed, and call
-  (display #\cr log-port)
-  (format log-port "compiling...\t~5,1f% of ~d files" ;FIXME: i18n
-          (* 100. (/ completed total)) total)
-  (force-output log-port)
-  (cont))
-(define* (p-for-each proc lst
-                     #:optional (max-processes (current-processor-count))
-                     #:key (progress report-build-progress))
-  "Invoke PROC for each element of LST in a separate process, using up to
-MAX-PROCESSES processes in parallel.  Call PROGRESS at each step, passing it
-the continuation.  Raise an error if one of the processes exit with non-zero."
-  (define total
-    (length lst))
-  (define (wait-for-one-process)
-    (match (waitpid WAIT_ANY)
-      ((_ . status)
-       (unless (zero? (status:exit-val status))
-         (error "process failed" proc status)))))
-  (let loop ((lst       lst)
-             (running   0)
-             (completed 0))
-    (match lst
-      (()
-       (or (zero? running)
-           (let ((running   (- running 1))
-                 (completed (+ completed 1)))
-             (wait-for-one-process)
-             (progress total completed
-                       (lambda ()
-                         (loop lst running completed))))))
-      ((head . tail)
-       (if (< running max-processes)
-           (let ((running (+ 1 running)))
-             (call-with-process (cut proc head))
-             (progress total completed
-                       (lambda ()
-                         (loop tail running completed))))
-           (let ((running   (- running 1))
-                 (completed (+ completed 1)))
-             (wait-for-one-process)
-             (progress total completed
-                       (lambda ()
-                         (loop lst running completed)))))))))
 (define* (build-guix out source
                      #:key gcrypt
-                     (debug-port (%make-void-port "w")))
+                     (debug-port (%make-void-port "w"))
+                     (log-port (current-error-port)))
   "Build and install Guix in directory OUT using SOURCE, a directory
 containing the source code.  Write any debugging output to DEBUG-PORT."
   (setvbuf (current-output-port) _IOLBF)
@@ -130,33 +65,29 @@ containing the source code.  Write any debugging output to DEBUG-PORT."
     (set! %load-path (cons out %load-path))
     (set! %load-compiled-path (cons out %load-compiled-path))
-    ;; Compile the .scm files.  Do that in independent processes, à la
-    ;; 'make -j', to work around <> (FIXME).
-    ;; This ensures correctness, but is overly conservative and slow.
-    ;; The solution initially implemented (and described in the bug
-    ;; above) was slightly faster but consumed memory proportional to the
-    ;; number of modules, which quickly became unacceptable.
-    (p-for-each (lambda (file)
-                  (let ((go (string-append (string-drop-right file 4)
-                                           ".go")))
-                    (format debug-port "~%compiling '~a'...~%" file)
-                    (parameterize ((current-warning-port debug-port))
-                      (compile-file file
-                                    #:output-file go
-                                    #:opts
-                                    %auto-compilation-options))))
-                (filter (cut string-suffix? ".scm" <>)
-                        ;; Build guix/*.scm before gnu/*.scm to speed
-                        ;; things up.
-                        (sort (find-files out "\\.scm")
-                              (let ((guix (string-append out "/guix"))
-                                    (gnu  (string-append out "/gnu")))
-                                (lambda (a b)
-                                  (or (and (string-prefix? guix a)
-                                           (string-prefix? gnu b))
-                                      (string<? a b))))))))
+    ;; Compile the .scm files.  Also load every compiled file after writing it
+    ;; to work around <> (FIXME).
+    (let* ((files (filter (cut string-suffix? ".scm" <>)
+                          (find-files out "\\.scm")))
+           (total (length files)))
+      (let loop ((file (car files))
+                 (files (cdr files))
+                 (completed 0))
+        (display #\cr log-port)
+        (format log-port "compiling...\t~5,1f% of ~d files" ;FIXME: i18n
+                (* 100. (/ completed total)) total)
+        (force-output log-port)
+        (let ((go (string-append (string-drop-right file 4)
+                                 ".go")))
+          (format debug-port "~%compiling '~a'...~%" file)
+          (parameterize ((current-warning-port debug-port))
+            (compile-file file
+                          #:output-file go
+                          #:opts
+                          %auto-compilation-options)
+            (load-compiled go)))
+        (unless (null? files)
+          (loop (car files) (cdr files) (+ 1 completed))))))
   ;; Remove the "fake" (guix config).
   (delete-file (string-append out "/guix/config.scm"))

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