On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 4:27 PM, David Craven <da...@craven.ch> wrote:
> I highly doubt that binutils uses python, and I'm not sure why you
> think that this is a filename - so why would unix filename matching
> apply in this instance?

I know it's not exactly the same, but python fnmatch is probably doing
(almost) the same as bash's, and bash switch/case may also use
fnmatching, that was for illustration purpose.

And now after reading a bit of man bash:

A case command first expands word, and tries to match it against each
pattern in turn, using the same matching rules as for pathname expansion

So "-*-" will match "--", "-gnu-", etc... but neither "-" nor ""...

> There must be a match somewhere...

Maybe, I report my findings as I go, and I've still not looked everywhere...

But that looked sufficiently suspicious that I wanted to shared my findings...

> Either mips64*el-*-linux means any cpu model or you've missed a part
> of the matching code. I remember GCC having that spread out over
> three parts of a file.

I'll look harder

Vincent Legoll

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