ng0 writes:

> Alex Kost <> writes:
>> ng0 (2016-09-24 20:00 +0000) wrote:
>>> We should either be consistent with this in all files or remove this
>>> altogether in my opinion.
>>>> ng0@shadowwalker ~/src/guix/guix-no-changes$ egrep -nr "ends here"
>>>> gnu/build/vm.scm:323:;;; vm.scm ends here
>> ...
>>> What do you think?
>> I don't know what the original purpose of this convention is, it was
>> probably invented in those ancient times when dinosaurs walked by
>> streets, but I kinda like these "ends here" things :-)
>> The only purpose I see in using them: you can be sure that there will
>> not appear redundant newlines (introduced by untidy commits) in the end
>> of files.
>> Anyway, I vote for leaving them and adding the missing ones.
> Okay, with your explanation this is the more reasonable thing to do.

I'm really fine either way, but that doesn't feel like a super
compelling reason to me.  Who cares if there's a redundant newline at
the end of the file?  Sure, it should be swept up, but one redundant
newline costs a lot less than "don't let any newlines after this".
Plus, do we have proof that no newlines will really appear afterwards?

It feels like cruft that nobody knows the reason for, or has a good
reason in this modern age.  I'd rather they just be trimmed.

But I also don't feel like it matters much, so whatever is decided is
decided. :)

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