
Danny Milosavljevic <dan...@scratchpost.org> skribis:

> I cannot import (gnu packages cross-base) in (gnu packages admin) (it gave an 
> incomprehensible-to-me error message [*]). What could be the cause?

Some (gnu packages …) modules were referring to bindings from other
modules at the top level, which doesn’t play well with circular module

Commits fb77c61422ae2d03c0bf655d96b0e88f5f8001da and
bd2e1a8cb07088bdc54b9bb05d9b2e99f78e5b28 work around that.

You should now be able to add #:use-module (gnu packages cross-base) in

> Since I speculated maybe circular dependencies are the cause (?), I wrote a 
> quick one-off script to find define-module and #:use-module forms and 
> reformat them into Makefile rules. This allowed me to find all the circular 
> dependencies between the modules in gnu/packages.

Fun hack.  :-)


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