Pjotr Prins <pjotr.publi...@thebird.nl> skribis:

> Wrote down a way to distribute software using containers and tar ;)
>   https://github.com/pjotrp/guix-notes/blob/master/DISTRIBUTE.org

Pretty cool indeed!

Recently I thought we could extract the ‘self-contained-tarball’
function you quoted and make it a bit more generic so that we can use it
for a ‘guix package’ command:

  $ guix pack guix   # same as ‘make guix-binary.x86_64.tar.gz’

  $ guix pack emacs

>From there, we might even be able to do something like:

  $ guix package --format=docker --entry-point=emacs emacs

(See <https://github.com/docker/docker/blob/master/image/spec/v1.md>.)


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