John Darrington (2016-12-17 10:00 +0100) wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 11:38:13AM +0300, Alex Kost wrote:
>      >     It would be a great loss and a technical hindrance if guix.el was 
> moved
>      >     out of Guix.  I don???t want that to happen, so let me know what 
> the
>      >     ransom should be!  ;-)
>      There shouldn't be any ransom!  I just didn't feel I had enough freedom
>      when I was working on it inside Guix.
> Could you elaborate here?  What circumstances made you feel this way?

There are no any circumstances.  It's just that when you maintain your
own project, you can do whatever seems appropriate to you; while with a
community-driven (I don't know a correct term) project, you have to…
well, to communicate – the thing I don't like quite a lot.  So it's not
a Guix community problem!

> Have there been specific events which made you feel your freedom was
> being limited?

No, not at all!  It's just my attitude as I tried to explain.

> What would you have liked to have seen done differently?

Well, I agree with Pjotr's points.  I think the most important is that
all the existing rules make a very high barrier to overcome for the
potential contributors.  I'm not talking about myself, I'm fine with the
rules, but I see how all these guidelines, coding styles and sending
patches to the mailing list can scare people.

But all this has nothing to do with separating Emacs-Guix.  It's just my
egoism: I want to push commits without discussing (or simple sending


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