
just today I tried to compile "ktouch", a KDE and QT application. This
failed with *link* errors (see below), which I find very curious.

Let's look at the first error message: To my understanding.the package
"kcmutils" should reference to *exactly* the version of Qt (or what
ever), it was build for. So how can it be that some symbol is not found?

I tried force-re-building qtbase and the effected packed (as listed
below), but this did not solve the issue.

undefined reference to `qt_version_tag@Qt_5.7'
undefined reference to `QIODevice::isTransactionStarted() const@Qt_5'
undefined reference to `QIcon::fromTheme(QString const&)@Qt_5'
undefined reference to `qt_QMetaEnum_flagDebugOperator(QDebug&, unsigned
long, int)@Qt_5'
undefined reference to `QJsonValue::toString() const@Qt_5'
undefined reference to
/gnu/store/…-kxmlgui-5.28.0/lib/libKF5XmlGui.so.5.28.0: undefined
reference to `QString::resize(int, QChar)@Qt_5'

Hartmut Goebel

| Hartmut Goebel          | h.goe...@crazy-compilers.com               |
| www.crazy-compilers.com | compilers which you thought are impossible |

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