ng0 <> writes:

> Hi,
> later this year (once I have mailman functional) I want to add an
> dedicated server from Hetzner (http://hetzner.deto) my network.
> With IN-Berlin I have this out-of-console requirement for agetty.
> Does someone know what special requirement, if at all, Hetzner has?
> If no one knows it, I'll make a customer inquiry to check it.

I have a dedicated server from Hetzner and don't think they have any
special requirements. They offer VNC and a SSH-able (Debian) rescue
image. If I were to install GuixSD on it*, I would probably install the
binary inside the rescue image and do `guix system init` from there.

*because I haven't been able to package Ganeti for Guix yet**
** mostly due to

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