ng0 transcribed 13K bytes:
> As of 2017-08-04 this is the list of as taken from a listing
> of the "ofl" directory in the repository for it 
> (
> We concluded that at least some of the fonts (maybe all of them) are simply 
> taken
> from upstream sources.
> This is a very long list, so I want to use this thread to dissect it and 
> collect
> upstream sources. For what reasons?
> - We will be able to create a "google-fonts-meta" package so that someone 
> could
>   use it to run an alternative to google font hosting, or even host it locally
>   for whatever reasons.
> - Because some of the fonts are really good and if people could just use them
>   from guix instead of, that's cool.
> - More organs means better human! Ehm... more fonts are better, of course.
> - For science. And last not least:
> « - Dis Cortex, tu veux faire quoi cette nuit ?
> - La même chose que chaque nuit, Minus, tenter de conquérir le monde !
> Fonts we have are marked with an "#" at the start of the name
> and comment below if necessary.
> URLs will be written in parens behind a font, like
> craftygirls/  (
> A bugtracker might not be ideal for this, but it is a start.
> OFL:
> abel/

Whoever finds the Abel Google is shipping,
gets a promise for a free coffee or whatever.

With Lato and Dosis I have already unbundled 2/3
of the fonts I have been using from Google for
the website redesign I'm occupied with. Abel would
be the missing 3rd, but "it is difficult" at least
not within 2 minutes.

Upstream source:
GnuPG: A88C8ADD129828D7EAC02E52E22F9BBFEE348588

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