Björn Höfling <> ezt írta (időpont:
2018. okt. 11., Cs, 20:55):
> Hi Laura,
> nice to here from your progress.
> On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 11:31:26 -0300
> Laura Lazzati <> wrote:
> > Luckily yesterday I ended up late at night and found that I could
> > import my VM with Ubuntu guest with guix running. I do have a
> > question. I use Virtualbox, and Downloaded the .iso file of GuixSD, I
> > have just installed the VM for GuixSD in VirtualBox - I read that in
> > the documentation it is mentioned to use quemu- but strangely I
> > managed to install it without any problems in VirtualBox with the .iso
> I have a Windows-PC with VirtualBox where GuixSD is running stable
> since at least half a year.
> I think the recommendation with QEMU is more about freedom: As far as I
> know there are some issues with software-freedom. The only reference I
> found is some older Trisquel discussion claiming some compiler is only
> open source, but not nonfree:
> Has anyone else a clearer picture about that?

Hello Björn,

see this for a clearer picture:
The Open Source Initiative has approved the license as open source,
but Debian, Fedora and the Free Software Foundation have rejected it
because "It requires you to publish the source code publicly whenever
you “Deploy” the covered software, and “Deploy” is defined to include
many kinds of private use.

This is the compiler used for building the BIOS in virtualbox.
Therefore it cannot be built using free software, so it is considered

Best regards,

> Björn

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