
I worked hard for a few hours playing with guile and came up with this.

Next step is to implement looking up the entities for the result and
filter on instance of (the properties). E.g. software.


What do you think?
I tried reuse code and abstract away in a a la Guile. This is my first
program so feel free to give it a review and ideas for improvement.

It depends on (guix import json) right now and I think we should
upstream those two json-to-alist functions to guile-json.

Example output:

scheme@(guile-user) [25]> (show-first-result "gcc")
1.: Q178940: GNU Compiler Collection: compiler system with support for
various programming languages

scheme@(guile-user) [25]> (show-first-result "emacs")
1.: Q189722: Emacs: family of text editors

scheme@(guile-user) [25]> (show-first-result "guile")
1.: Q601244: Guile: character from the Street Fighter fighting game

scheme@(guile-user) [25]> (show-first-result "openssh")
1.: Q847062: OpenSSH: set of computer programs providing encrypted
communication sessions

scheme@(guile-user) [25]> (show-first-result "automake")
1.: Q1324275: Automake: tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant

Not so reliable output for bioinformatics packages:

scheme@(guile-user) [25]> (show-first-result "aragorn")
1.: Q180322: Aragorn: character from the Lord of the Rings
$19 = #t
scheme@(guile-user) [25]> (show-first-result "bamm")
1.: Q12819323: Bamm: Uzbek name of deep and dark sounds of stringed
$20 = #t
scheme@(guile-user) [25]> (show-first-result "bamtools")
1.: Q30426432: BamTools: a C++ API and toolkit for analyzing and
managing BAM files.: scientific article
$21 = #t
scheme@(guile-user) [25]> (show-first-result "bcftools")
1.: Q31041251: BCFtools/RoH: a hidden Markov model approach for
detecting autozygosity from next-generation sequencing data.:\
 scientific article
$22 = #t
scheme@(guile-user) [25]> (show-first-result "bedops")
1.: Q36076319: BEDOPS: high-performance genomic feature operations.:
scientific article
$23 = #t
scheme@(guile-user) [25]> (show-first-result "blast+")
1.: Q179057: explosion: sudden release of energy through high
temperatures and gas expansion
$24 = #t

;;; Copyright © 2018 swedebugia <swedebu...@riseup.net>
;;; This file is part of guile-wikidata.
;;; guile-wikidata is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; guile-wikidata is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with guile-wikidata.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

(use-modules (ice-9 format)
             (guix import json)
             (srfi srfi-1)
             (web uri)

;; Inspired by PYPI wikidata_suggest
(define (wbsearch-uri name)
  "Build URI for the Wikidata wbsearchintities API."
  (let ((url "https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php";)
        (& "&")
        (= "=")
        (search name)
        (action "wbsearchentities")
        (format "json")
        ;; Hardcoded en for now
        (language "en")
        (type "item")
        (continue "0")
        (limit "10"))
     (string-append url "?"
                    "search" = search &
                    "action" = action &
                    "format" = format &
                    "language" = language &
                    "type" = type &
                    "continue" = continue &
                    "limit" = limit

;; Inspired by
(define (wbget-uri qid)
  "Build URI for the Wikidata wbsearchintities API."
  (let ((url "https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php";)
        (& "&")
        (= "=")
        (ids qid)
        (action "wbgetentities")
        (format "json")
        ;; Hardcoded en for now
        (language "en"))
     (string-append url "?"
                    "ids" = ids &
                    "action" = action &
                    "format" = format &
                    "language" = language &

(define (wdquery uri)
  "Fetch the data, return an alist"
  (json-fetch-alist uri))

(define (extract-qid alist)
  "Accept unnested alist and output Q-ID."
  (if (list? alist)
      (assoc-ref alist "id")
      (error "extract-qid: Not a proper list" alist)))

(define (extract-label alist)
  "Accept unnested ALIST and output label."
  (if (list? alist)
      (assoc-ref alist "label")
        (error "extract-label: Not a proper list" )
        (display alist))))

(define (extract-desc alist)
  "Accept unnested ALIST and output label."
  (if (list? alist)
      ;; TODO add error handling when no descriptions
      (assoc-ref alist "description")
        (error "extract-desc: Not a proper list" )
        (display alist))))

(define (extract-all alist)
  (if (list? alist)
      `(("label" . ,(extract-label alist))
       ("description" . ,(extract-desc alist))
       ("id" . ,(extract-qid alist)))
        (error "extract-all: Not a proper list" )
        (display alist))))

(define (extract-result name)
  "Returns list with each element being an alist of label, desc, qid"
  (map extract-all (assoc-ref (wdquery (wbsearch-uri name)) "search")))

;; BROKEN for some reason
;; (define (output-field qid)
;;   "Generate output field with Q-ID for the package record."
;;   (if (string? qid)
;;       `(wikidata ,qid)
;;       ;;(error "Not a string")
;;       ;; Parse as pair
;;       (if (pair? qid)
;;        (let ((qid (cdr qid)))
;;          `(wikidata ,qid))
;;        ;;Not a pair?
;;        ;; debug
;;        (format #t "debug qid: ~a ~%"  qid)
;;        )))

(define (extract-first-result alist)
  "Extract first result from nested alist"
  ;; TODO add error if no results
  (if (equal? (first (first alist)) "success")
      (first (assoc-ref alist "search"))
      (error "success not found"))

;; Broken for some reason :-/
;; (define (parse-results query num)
;;   (let lp
;;       ;;Variable
;;       ((num))
;;     ;;Bindings?
;;     (if (> num 0)
;;      ;;Body
;;      (let (; Reverse list first so they end up in the right order.
;;            (result (take (reverse (extract-result query)) num)))
;;        (format #t "~a: ~a: ~a ~%" (number->string num) (extract-label 
result) (extract-desc result)))
;;      ;; Subtract
;;      (lp (- num 1))
;;      ;; Tail
;;      num)))

;; (parse-results "emacs" 2)

(define (show-first-result query)
  ;; First result which is often the right one :)
  (let ((result (first (extract-result query))))
    (format #t "1.: ~a: ~a: ~a ~%"
            (extract-qid result) (extract-label result) (extract-desc result))

;;testing :)
;;(display "first result:") (newline)
(show-first-result "openssh")
;; (newline)

;; (show-first-result "xorg")
;; (newline)
;; (display "extract-label") (newline)
;; (display (extract-label (first (assoc-ref (wdquery (wbsearch-uri "xorg")) 
;; (newline)
;; (output-field (extract-qid (first (assoc-ref (wdquery (wbsearch-uri "xorg")) 

;; (format #t "parse-results: ~%")
;; (parse-results "gnome3" 1)
;; (newline)

;; (format #t "take: ~%")

;; (take (extract-result "gnome") 1)

;; (define (show-3 package-name)
;;   "Correlate PACKAGE-NAME with Wikidata Q-IDs and add field to package 
record for all matches."
;;   (let* ((q1 (take (assoc-ref (wdquery (wbsearch-uri package-name)) 
"search")) 2)
;;       (num 2))
;;     (while ((>= num 0))
;;       (let (((take q1 num)
;;           (l (extract-label q1))
;;          (d (extract-desc q1))
;;          (id (extract-qid q1))))
;;        ;; descriptions are sometimes missing
;;        (if (d)
;;         (format #t "~a : ~a : ~a ~%" l d id)
;;         (format #t "~a : ~a ~%" l id))
;;        ;;debug
;;        (display "debug: ")
;;        (display q1) (newline)
;;        ;;(format #t "~a ~%"(string-append t ":" d))
;;        ;;(format #t "~a ~%"(string-append t ":" id))
;;        )
;;       (- num 1))))

;; (format #t "Show-3: ~%")
;; (show-3 "gnome3")

;;(assoc-ref (assoc-ref query "search") "label")

;; def _wikipedia(name, lang='en'):
;; url = "https://%s.wikipedia.org/w/api.php"; % lang
;; params = {
;;        "action": "query",
;;        "list": "search",
;;        "format": "json",
;;        "srnamespace": "0",
;;        "srsearch": name
;;        }
;; sug = None
;; results = requests.get(url, params=params).json()
;; if len(results['query']['search']) > 0:
;; sug = results['query']['search'][0]['title']
;; elif 'suggestion' in results['query']['searchinfo'] and \
;; name != results['query']['searchinfo']['suggestion']:
;; sug = _wikipedia(results['query']['searchinfo']['suggestion'], lang)
;; return sug

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