On October 10, 2019 8:29:06 PM UTC, Dmitry Alexandrov <321...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> wrote:
>> How are you?
>Ehm...  Fine.  What is the occasion to ask?

We are then from different cultures simply. At my side it is always used 
similarly as hand shaking.

>> I [] see absolutely no problem there.
>I’m afraid, Dr. Stallman would see.

My protest is not to align all my thoughts with Dr. Stallman, my protest is 
that defamation and harassment of RMS is taking place on Guix.GNU.org website.

It is the code of good conduct of Guix itself where they promised harass-free 
space with respect to other people's opinions. See: 

Writing policies while abusing them themselves is hypocrisy and this time it is 
bad enough that caused international online protests.

>> What is point in backstabbing of RMS? I asked and never got answers
>but FUD.
>To get rid of him, of course.  Why to ask for obvious answer?

Well I don't see it that way. I see it as a hostile fact-less thought police 
punishing and degrading GNU, Guix, FSF and RMS for the thought crime. See the 
book 1984

>Many of your letters contain a footer with a call for lead developers
>of Guix, Guile and GnuPG to leave GNU. 

Exactly. That is my opinion. If myself cannot agree with my own community's 
published  coffee of conduct and the founder and if I am to abuse the platform 
given to me by founder and his work to abuse his image and defame him, then I 
would never do that, I would step down.

Reason that they don't have guts is all the comfort they got from FSF and GNU 
which is, was and is being caused by RMS.

Comfort like this 
 is hard to resist to get their things straight.

>> They have no respect for RMS.
>I hope, that you have, though.  And thus will stop to tear down the
>project he founded.

I have never protested against the GNU project as in itself it cannot cause 
actions. My protest is not against Ludovic Courtès's opinion neither their free 
speech, despite all of their efforts to silence every protestors' voice. See 
their logs for evidences of the plot.

My protest is against defamation of founder of the GNU project and on the GNU 
project's domain!

If Ludovic Courtès would publish it on his website I could probably comment on 
his own website. But he did not. By the way I did not find one mention of Dr. 
Stallman on his pages. Think about that and proper crediting.

Ludovic Courtès published it on Guix website hosted on GNU domain. I am 
objecting to that. And I am not alone, there are already hundreds supporting 
comments from all over the world, podcast and defenses, I am not alone thinker 
and please don't turn my words to something what I have not stated. Same 
strategy was used to defame Stallman. And same was used by Ludovic Courtès on 
their disrespectful statement.


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