Thanks for taking the time to respond.  Sounds like good news overall....

On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 6:57 AM zimoun <zimon.touto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> On Wed, 20 May 2020 at 13:02, Ricardo Wurmus <rek...@elephly.net> wrote:
> > I expect that this will change soon after some more discussion of the
> > details.
> Last time we discussed that was on December [1].  What is missing is: discuss 
> if
>   a) an "official" mirror is hard-coded in '%default-channels'
> or
>   b) an "official" mirror is documented in the  manual and it is up to
> the user to setup it via ~/.config/guix/channels.scm.
> The a) annoys people who do not want the mirror, so they have to tweak
> the list by themself and in the same a) is more newcomer-friendly
> because it just works.
> The b) annoys newcomers because it is another step and in the same
> time b) is more customizable.
> Obviously, there is option c): guix-install.sh asks a question and
> then do the b) dance.
> And discuss if a channel is described as:
>  (channel
>    (name 'guix)
>    (url "https://savannah…";)
>    (mirror (list "https://mirror-one…";
>                     "https://mirror-two…";)))
> [ where mirror is optional ]
> or something else?

There should be a built in (hard-coded) failover list - ideally three
- without the user being told or asked to do anything during setup.
Ideally the user could alter that list - but that seems a stage 2
feature given the curent state.
Stage 3 might alllow the default list to vary by country code - driven
by and env var set to two letter ISO code?

I was surprised guix doesn't seem to be mirrored to gnu.io - or is
that the same machine(s)?

On reflection in this context 'mirror' is not descriptive in the
channel config - 'failover' might better communicate the intent and

    (name 'guix)
    (url "https://savannah…";)
    (failover (list (url "https://mirror-one…";)
                       (url "https://mirror-two…";))))

where **overriding** the failover list is optional, but you cannot
unset the default list


> Well, Ludo suggested [2] to address "Trustable guix pull" [3]; which
> should be really cool!
> Now, I am not sure to understand if there is no mirror mechanism
> because no one took the time to implement it or if any other reasons
> related to "trustable guix pull".
> [1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2019-12/msg00150.html
> [2] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2019-12/msg00276.html
> [3] http://issues.guix.gnu.org/issue/22883
> Cheers,
> simon

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