An now with the attachment.

# Put this script in a subfolder (e.g. gpwc)
# of the guix source
# And install sharness in it
# Install prove as well
# To run the tests, invoke
# prove gpwc.t

# Fill in the names of the packages you've been meddling with
# In my case it was python-prompt-toolkit
PACKAGES=(python-prompt-toolkit python-ipywidgets)

test_description="Checking my meddling with ${PACKAGES[*]} did not break anything"

. ./

# Check that the new packages themselves are OK
for package in "${PACKAGES[@]}"
    test_expect_success "Build $package" "
    guix environment guix --pure -- ${SHARNESS_BUILD_DIRECTORY}/pre-inst-env guix build $package
    test_expect_success "Lint $package" "
    guix environment guix --pure -- ${SHARNESS_BUILD_DIRECTORY}/pre-inst-env guix lint $package
    test_expect_success "See if $package is reproducible" "
    guix environment guix --pure -- ${SHARNESS_BUILD_DIRECTORY}/pre-inst-env guix build --rounds=2 python-websockets
    test_expect_success "Install $package" "
    guix environment guix --pure -- ${SHARNESS_BUILD_DIRECTORY}/pre-inst-env \
         guix install --profile=./${package}-tmp-profile ${package}

# Check the consequences of having meddled with the new packages
    guix environment guix --pure -- "${SHARNESS_BUILD_DIRECTORY}"/pre-inst-env \
         guix graph --type=reverse-bag "$1" | \
         grep @ | sed 's/.*\"\(.*\)@.*/\1/'

# Union of all the dependents
for package in "${PACKAGES[@]}"
    dependents "$package"
done | sort -u > dependents.txt

for package in $(cat dependents.txt)
    test_expect_success "Build dependent $package" "
    guix environment guix --pure -- \"${SHARNESS_BUILD_DIRECTORY}\"/pre-inst-env guix build $package
    profile="$SHARNESS_TRASH_DIRECTORY/$(echo $package | sed 's/\(.*\)@/\1'/)-tmp-profile"
    test_expect_success "Install dependent $package" "
    guix environment guix --pure -- ${SHARNESS_BUILD_DIRECTORY}/pre-inst-env \
         guix install --profile=\"${profile}\" ${package}

Edouard Klein writes:

> Dear Guixers,
> I recently broke jupyter while updating python-prompt-toolkit (a mistake
> I'm still trying to fix...) despite doing my best to follow the
> instructions of the manual:
> Because of the subtle consequences of editing a package are hard to keep
> track of, I wrote the attached script (you need sharness to run it, but
> with slight modification it can become a standalone script).
> This script goes beyond the instructions of the manual on two fronts:
> - First, it not only tries to build the packages, but also to install
> them,
> - Secondly, it does not limit itself to the dependents (as listed by
> guix refresh --list-dependents) of the packages one is meddling with,
> but to the whole reverse bags (as listed by guix graph
> --type=reverse-bag).
> Both these extensions are necessary to discover that my update broke the
> jupyter package:
> - jupyter builds, so if you don't try to install it you won't discover
> it's broken
> - the leafs of the dependency graph that depend on jupyter fail to build
> for reasons unrelated to python-prompt-toolkit, so by just building the
> leafs (which are what is being returned by guix refresh
> --list-dependents) you can't discover jupyter's broken status.
> I think an update of the manual is in order (I've added it to my own
> TODO queue, but I have no idea when I'll be able to get to it) but I
> first wanted to share my script in case it may be useful to someone
> else, and gather some feedback as to whether other developers have
> encountered these kind of errors, and the way seasoned developers make
> sure they don't push breaking changes.
> Cheers,
> Edouard.

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