Arun Isaac <> writes:

> But filenames usually don't have diacritics. So, I'm not sure if
> diacritic insensitivity is useful.

Probably not, but if there ever is this odd file name with an accent,
then we won't have to worry about it, it will be handled.  Better too
much than too little!

> This is handled by stemming. We'll need a custom stemmer that normalizes
> libfoo to foo. Xapian has a nice page on stemming. See

I think I gave a confusing example.  I think stemming is too specific.
I meant searching a pattern that does not start the word.
If I search "bar", I'd like to match "foobar".

The reverse is possible ("foo" matches "foobar").

Well, I'll share my FTS demo just now, we can always think about this case 

Pierre Neidhardt

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