Ryan Prior <ryanpr...@hey.com> writes:

> I'm glad for the "without-tests" option because when I'm working on
> packages with a test suite that takes more than a few seconds, I like to
> make sure that the rest of everything is working before I start running
> the tests.

Exactly, that was my original thought.

> Another thing I'd like is an option to build a package reusing the state
> from a previous build. If a package I'm working on takes a minute or
> longer to build and I'm having some sort of difficulty, it's obnoxious
> to wait for that to complete again after every cycle. It could be near
> instantaneous if I could re-use a cached build, which is doable in
> Docker, Earthly, and other containerized build systems.

You can kind of do that manually now.
Build with the -K option and when it fails, drop to the temporary
directly, source the `environment-variables` file, fix the code or calls
then proceed.

Obviously reusing cached build would be nicer.

Maybe even better would be debugger access to the daemon.  On build
error we would be dropped in the debugger in the stack frame where it
errored.  We would fix it, then continue, in the most traditional Lisp

Pierre Neidhardt

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