On December 6, 2020, Ricardo Wurmus <rek...@elephly.net> wrote:
> What do you think about adding an output format that is no format at
> all
> but a file enumeration printed to stdout? That way I could use “guix
> pack” to produce a list of files to transfer and use that to transfer
> only the unchanged files. Alternatively, perhaps we could have a
> “directory” format that merely copies (or links) the files to a new
> directory root.

These suggestions comport nicely with the Unix-philosophy and something
like that should probably be implemented for people who want to build
their own deploy systems like you're describing.

Additionally, I think that the use-case of "deploy this software to some
server that doesn't have Guix installed" is important enough that we
might want to support it explicitly such that "guix deploy" does the
right thing, doing minimal work to bring the target deployment up-to-
date. Is that feasible?

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