Tanguy LE CARROUR <tan...@bioneland.org> skriver:

> Hi Marius,
> Excerpts from Marius Bakke's message of December 7, 2020 11:59 pm:
>> Tanguy LE CARROUR <tan...@bioneland.org> skriver:
>>> Excerpts from Ludovic Courtès's message of December 5, 2020 4:44 pm:
>>>> Tanguy LE CARROUR <tan...@bioneland.org> skribis:
>>>>> It's not yet clear to me how to handle (python) package updates:
>>>>> - when to update;
>>>>> - when not to update;
>>>>> - when to introduce "versionned" (`-x.y` suffix) package definitions;
>>>>> - when to introduce "next" (`/next` suffix) package definitions;
>>>>> - when to remove the two above suffixes;
>>>>> - …
>>>>> So I'm looking forward to reading the answers to this thread! :-)
>>>> When a change introduces too many rebuilds, the convention is to make
>>>> that change on a branch that will be merged “later” rather than on
>>>> ‘master’; this is bullet 8 here:
>>>>   https://guix.gnu.org/manual/devel/en/html_node/Submitting-Patches.html
>>> Thanks for pointing at, but this "just" tells me on which branch to put
>>> the changeset, not which of the above options should be used when a
>>> package needs to be updated.
>> There is no "one size fits all" rule.  With rare exceptions, Guix
>> "wants" to have only have a single version of each package (mainly to
>> ease maintenance).  As you found, that's not always feasible.
>> If a package depends on a newer version of something "deep in the graph"
>> such as Pytest, it's always OK to add a "/next" or "-x.y" variant
>> (though a convention about which to use would probably be a good idea).
>> If something depends on a *specific* (older) version of Pytest, it's
>> better to try and make it work with the newer version; but failing that,
>> adding a "-x.y" is fine too.
> `-x.y` packages are here to stay.
> `/next` are temporary packages.

In most cases, yes.  :-)

> Is it safe to remove all `-x.y` packages that are not used as inputs?
> Is there a (programmatic) way to find those packages?

Good questions.  It should be safe to remove unused and versioned "leaf"
packages.  I don't have good answers on how to discover them though.

> When `/next` become "current|default|latest", who is in charge of patching
> all the package definitions that were using it?!

Typically those occur in the same or (closely related) commits.  But it
happens that a "/latest" has been removed on 'core-updates', yet keeps
gaining uses on 'master'.  In those cases deprecating (instead of
removing) the variable on the 'core-updates' branch is the best option,
so that merging master->core-updates won't break the branch.

There is no one "in charge" though, just "someone" has to do it.  :-)

>>>> Yet, sometimes we want to introduce new versions that people can get in
>>>> their profile, even if the “default” one remains the older version to
>>>> avoid world rebuilds.
>>> That's exactly my point! If the default one lags behind, then after some
>>> time, nobody will use it any more and we will have introduced one or more
>>> `-x.y` package definitions!
>>> I would consider it to be a "saner" approach to have the default always
>>> "point" to the latest version, but then we would have to "fix" package
>>> depending on older versions by introducing `-x.y` package definitions
>>> for them.
>>> Or am I missing something?!
>> You got it right.  It might be saner to make the unversioned variable
>> refer to the newest version, but it would often require "pinning"
>> hundreds of packages to the old version to avoid rebuilds.  Thus, it's
>> typically more practical to use the "/next" variant until the next
>> rebuild cycle.
> Then, during the rebuild cycle those hundreds of packages get rebuilt
> and… some of them fail because they depend on the older version, right?!
> But I'm pretty sure it's a problem all distributions have to face.

Yes, often you'll get an "upgrading cascade", which may bring new
problems such as circular dependencies, etc (looking at you, Python

The only remedy I know for that is copious amounts of coffee.

> Wasn't it discussed somewhere else that one should get notified (by email)
> when their favourite packages were broken?

I think cbaines is working on something along those lines.

>> Again there is no hard rule here, I did such a change for 'libcap' in
>> 9e1f5a263e4f6df4d075901c9b58a56f80c8b452 because only two packages
>> needed to pin the old version.
>> Hope this clears things up a little more.  :-)
> Yes, thanks! But I guess I need to go through more of those situations
> to make sure I understand everything.

For some practical experience, you can try updating to Python 3.9.1 and
the latest Pytest (+ dependencies).  This needs to be done soon for the
'core-updates' branch anyway.  ;-)

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