Hi Leo,

I think we're mostly going in circles at this point, so I think we
should finish up this conversation, as Ludovic suggested.  I'll let you
have the last word on most of our conversation threads, but I feel
compelled to briefly counter one claim of yours:

Leo Prikler <leo.prik...@student.tugraz.at> writes:

> Am Samstag, den 01.05.2021, 23:13 -0400 schrieb Mark H Weaver:
>> I don't think I fumbled on the facts at all.  It's true that I didn't
>> yet have _all_ of the relevant facts, but as far as I know, every
>> fact that I presented is true.
>> If you disagree, can you please provide a counterexample?
> In your very first message you made it seems as though Raghav single-
> handedly authored and pushed the changes in question and called into
> question their reliability as a committer.  The former was based on
> "facts", that turned out half-true – Raghav did push that commit, but
> they did so thinking that Léo did proper review, which they did not –

Here, once again, you've failed to point out any of my *actual* words to
back up your (bogus) claim that I "fumbled on the facts".  Instead, you
speak of how I "made it seem".  You put more words into my mouth.

That's not nice.  Please stop it.


Disinformation flourishes because many people care deeply about injustice
but very few check the facts.  Ask me about <https://stallmansupport.org>.

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