Hello everyone,

Am Samstag, den 12.06.2021, 23:44 +0200 schrieb Tobias Geerinckx-Rice:
> Hi Bone,
> Bone Baboon 写道:
> > Should the patch be to remove the kitty package?
> No.  The telemetry.
If I read terminals.scm, we already disable the telemetry in kitty:

> (invoke "python3" "setup.py" "linux-package"
>         ;; Do not phone home.
>         "--update-check-interval=0"

@Bone: Did you notice any other telemetry during your further code
review (or are you still in the process of reviewing the code)?  If
not, please try to cross-check Guix sources to see whether we already
disable telemetry, so as to not cause unwarranted panic :)


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