---- On Sun, 20 Feb 2022 13:36:30 -0500 Vagrant Cascadian <vagr...@debian.org> 
wrote ----

 > I admittedly forget to check the messages from chanserv for channels I
 > frequent regularly, having personally grown accustomed to the norms of
 > the channel...
In my opinion, it's easy to miss.  I had to actively look for it.  I use Emacs 
erc.  When I start that program and log in, I'm in a buffer for "Libera.Chat". 
I then do /join #guix. This opens a new buffer, hiding the "Libera.Chat" buffer 
and showing a new "#g...@libera.chat"   buffer. The ChanServ message is printed 
to the buried "Libera.Chat" buffer.  The "#g...@libera.chat" buffer on connect 
has a giant wall of text showing who's in the chat.  It causes the buffer to 
scroll to the bottom, hiding anything printed to the top.  Scrolling up, I see 
some links to various topics. I see no rules or guidelines there.
 > So yes, linking to the Free System Distribution Guidelines implies what
 > is off-topic, though is still maybe not targeted towards online
 > communications; it more appears to be written with the audience of
 > someone making a free software distribution or auditing one. It seems
 > like the most relevent passage is:
 >   "A free system distribution must not steer users towards obtaining any
 >   nonfree information for practical use, or encourage them to do so. The
 >   system should have no repositories for nonfree software and no
 >   specific recipes for installation of particular nonfree programs. Nor
 >   should the distribution refer to third-party repositories that are not
 >   committed to only including free software; even if they only have free
 >   software today, that may not be true tomorrow. Programs in the system
 >   should not suggest installing nonfree plugins, documentation, and so
 >   on."
 > People often miss the part about not indirectly referring to non-free
 > software. Even if pointed to the FSDG, it is admittedly a bit hard to
 > grasp at times just what exactly constitutes "steer users towards
 > obtaining any nonfree information for practical use" or how it applies
 > to, say IRC. Individuals in IRC are not "the distribution", though the
 > new and long-time community members obviously make up perhaps the most
 > imporant part of the distribution.

I agree, it's hard to miss within the FSDG. Aside from linked (and not on a 
main screen), it's several sections down within the FSDG. 

 > I only bring this up because I regularly see this come up in the IRC
 > channel, and if an issue frequently comes up, usually that is a sign
 > that something could be improved in documentation, website, tooling,
 > etc. ... and when asked for one, I didn't have a good summary to point
 > to in my toolbox.
 > Maybe it is now my job to propose something concrete, but I was
 > curious what others thought before diving into details. :)

I think your observation matches what I've seen and I think your suggestion to 
address the problem makes sense.  If you know how to and where to do this, 
great. I wish I could be of more help.  I'm only able to cheer you on and give 

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