Thanks Liliana, zimoun, Ryan and Vagrant for feedback!

Ludovic Courtès <> writes:

> Or if we do want to explain more, then perhaps we need a list of
> features that would also include things like Docker/VM image generation,
> declarative home environments, etc.  But that’s broader topic.

Yes, that makes sense.  I'm not the best person to summarize it, but
starting pointers if someone wants to take it further:

* Dedication to free software goals and the GNU community

* Shepherd init system written in Guile

* Declarative stateless system configurations

* Transactional upgrades and roll-backs

* Reproducible build environments

* Designed towards bootstrappable builds

Maybe this fits better directly in the Introduction section of the

> PS: For the record, the phrase “advanced distribution of the GNU system”
>     was coined by RMS at a time where he insisted that this thing cannot
>     be called “the GNU system”.  All this makes little sense, even less
>     so today, but if you’re curious you may enjoy Andreas’ entertaining
>     talk:

Ah, thanks, the wording of that paragraph is more understandable now!  I
can see how that wording came about, and also how it clarify compared to
the GNU system.  I think this knowledge was the missing piece I didn't
have.  As an introduction to what Guix is for someone without earlier
understanding of GNU etc, I still believe that the word 'advanced' does
not contribute though.


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