Am Sun, Mar 19, 2023 at 10:20:27AM +0100 schrieb Josselin Poiret:
> The project does seem functional, they just seem to not care about
> making new releases, since they direct users to official builds of HEAD
> [1].  Maybe we could just point there as well?
> [1]

Well, I am loath to this attitude "just take the latest master", and it is
not what we normally do. A software writer cannot expect distros (nor end
users, as they seem to prefer) to follow each and every of their commits.
And it does not reflect well on their quality assurance processes if they
are unable to single out a commit from time to time that has undergone more
thorough scrutiny.

That said, if just backporting one fix does not solve the problem, we may
have to go this route...


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