Quoting Tanguy LE CARROUR (2023-03-25 17:53:23)
> My main concern now is to figure out how to implement complexe
> configurations to be able to write things like:
> […]
> I'm not sure how to make `define-configuration` accept complexe structures.
> When I look at `gnu/home/services/ssh.scm`, it seems to be doing the other way
> around and define the configuration with `define-record-type` and "put"
> the "configuration" inside.

Note to self: when in doubt, RTFM! 😅… where the "F" stands for "Fabulous"! 😁

This doesn't answer the question "how complete need a service be to make
it to master?", though. But I've a lot of re-write to do before submitting 


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