mariadb is grafted on master. Why does libreoffice depend on the
ungrafted mariadb rather than the grafted version? And, perhaps
related, since libreoffice depends on mariadb's "dev" output, why does
libreoffice pull in "out"? mariadb:dev was created specifically as a
libreoffice dependency in the commits referenced by 2c9d3416.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
$ guix describe
Generation 43   Apr 18 2023 20:30:44    (current)
  guix bb721d8
    repository URL:
    branch: master
    commit: bb721d88618d93d38aa5dfc33629e223c8b1c884

$ guix build mariadb

$ guix build --no-grafts mariadb

$ guix size libreoffice
store item                                                       total    self
2398.0   423.8  17.7%
406.5   209.2   8.7%
0.0     0.0   0.0%
total: 2398.0 MiB
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

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