
Am Sat, Aug 26, 2023 at 07:42:13PM +0200 schrieb kias...@disroot.org:
> I would like to hear from committers if non-committer reviews are helpful,
> because I don't really know how or what I can comment on for incoming
> patches on packages I'm not really familiar with.
> Also do "this builds and works locally" comments help?

+1 for Liliana's comment on "works locally". "Builds locally" is superfluous,
as I always rebuild packages I commit (and there is QA).

As a member of the science team, I end up being "responsible" for packages
I do not use and cannot really judge. So having a second person comment
that a change works as expected, or that an old version can be dropped,
or cannot be dropped because everyone in the community uses it, or anything
indeed related to the use of the package, is a big help. I have even ended
up solliciting comments by people who have worked on the package in the past.

I can also imagine a go team, say, of non-committers, and then committing
on their behalf when two team members agree with a patch, for instance.
(With the goal of adding committer(s) from the team eventually.)


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