On 2024-03-09, 10:42 +0100, Josselin Poiret <d...@jpoiret.xyz> wrote:
> Of course, I'm known as jpoiret there.

Hi Josselin,

Thanks for the patches 🙏, which I've applied and tested as follows.

./pre-inst-env guix build grub
./pre-inst-env guix lint grub
./pre-inst-env guix build --check grub

Everything passed successfully, both in the case of the first patch
alone and when using the two patches together. I made sure that the
package built was version 2.12 instead of 2.06.

When building a system image, the first patch gave me an error if used
by itself. The error was along the lines of:

ice-9/read.scm:126:4: In procedure read-expr*: Unknown # object: "#<"

I haven't investigated this further as the error resolved when applying
both patches together.

I then installed GRUB 2.12 on a spare x86 machine. With this new version
of GRUB, I was able to use a LUKS2 partition with PBKDF2
public-key-based key derivation function. Yay! 🚀

When building GRUB 2.12 on the spare machine this test initially failed:


The error vanished when I tried a second time and I haven't been able to
reproduce it since then.

The patches have two micro-typos:

- First patch, s/Theses/These/.
- Second patch, s/use-abolute-ovmf-path/use-absolute-ovmf-path/.

I haven't tried the patches on any non-x86 architecture, but will ping
you on IRC to see if and how I can help with that.

Thanks, best, Fabio.

Fabio Natali

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