
On lun., 18 mars 2024 at 12:10, MSavoritias <em...@msavoritias.me> wrote:

> The right of a trans person to ask a project to not advertise their 
> deadname was never in question.
> Guix is a place that supports trans people and anybody else that wants 
> to change their name.

There is a difference between “advertise” and “part of the history”.

Do not take me wrong.  The right to be forgotten is one topic.  However,
as many people are saying: it is not an easy question.  There is legal
questions, technical questions, social questions, etc.

For what it is worth, Guix is built around the concept of immutability.
This is a core concept and deep in Guix internals.

Therefore, it would be more constructive if you come with a
proof-of-concept allowing “history rewrite” and strong “software
identification” property [1].  Else, the discussion is leading nowhere,

1: https://guix.gnu.org/en/blog/2024/identifying-software/


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