
Christina O'Donnell <c...@mutix.org> skribis:

> On 06/05/2024 11:12, Ludovic Courtès wrote:


>> For sure I’d be happy if the test suite could run faster, but does
>> upstream offer such an option?  When you say “a single pass”, is that
>> something upstream supports?
> Yes, you can control the tests by setting environment variables
> NSS_TESTS to a list of tests and NSS_CYCLES to a list of 'cycles'
> (what I previously called passes). The default is:
> "standard pkix threadunsafe"
> * 'standard' runs all of the below tests with default settings:
>   "cipher lowhash cert dbtests tools sdr crmf smime ssl ocsp merge
>   pkits ec gtests ssl_gtests policy"
> * 'pkix' runs the tests "lowhash libpkix cert tools ssl ocsp pkits ec
>   gtests ssl_gtests policy" with PKIX enabled.
> * 'thread_unsafe' runs "ssl ssl_gtests" with "THREAD_UNSAFE" enabled.


> My thinking would be to run the thread_unsafe cycle normally, but to
> reduce the test overlap between standard and pkix however, I can't say
> that I'm knowledgeable enough of NSS to claim that that wouldn't leave
> gaps that might bite us some point down the line. So it might be best
> to leave it as is unless someone familiar with NSS can confirm that
> it'd be safe to disable some tests/cycles.

Right, there doesn’t seem to be an obvious way to disable those without
also weakening test coverage.  I wonder what Debian and others are

Thanks for explaining!


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