apache-pom stuff contains the parert pom files used by the pom files of 
commons-io. They are required for maven to work properly. You'll need to look 
at the pom file of commons-io to find the exact version and package it. The 
parant pom file might have a parent itself, which needs to be packaged too.

Le 22 décembre 2024 18:00:35 GMT+01:00, Hartmut Goebel 
<h.goe...@crazy-compilers.com> a écrit :
>how to update java-commons-io?
>I packaged Saxon, a Java XSLT processor which seems to be one of the few 
>supporting XSLT 3.0, XQuery 3.1, and XPath 3.1 and thus being used widely.
>One of its dependencies requires java-commons-io 2.7+, while we only have 2.5.
>While I prepared package for 2.18.0 (the current version), I have no clue 
>about this "apache-pom-*" stuff. Any hints?

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