Sex and Violence: Social and Technical Lessons from the Perl 6 Project

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Intervenant : Damian Conway
Date : mardi 1 avril 2014
Heure : 19:30
Lieu : Foyer 4, Beausobre, Morges
Entrée gratuite

= Summary =

In June 2000, Larry Wall announced a new four-month Open Source
development effort: the reinvention of Perl. In this keynote, Damian
Conway will unfold the twisting and sordid tale of what happened over
the next ten years of the project, highlighting the sexy new language
that has been created, the extreme violence that was sometimes necessary
to make it happen, and the dozen or so harsh-but-invaluable lessons that
the development team learned along the way.

= Speaker =

Damian Conway is a prominent member of the Perl community, a proponent
of object-oriented programming, and the author of several books. He is
also an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Faculty of Information
Technology at Monash University.

Damian completed his BSc (with honors) and PhD at Monash. He is perhaps
best known for his contributions to CPAN and Perl 6 language design, his
entertaining and erudite conference talks, and his Perl programming
training courses.

He has won the Larry Wall Award three times for CPAN contributions. His
involvement in Perl 6 language design has been as an interlocutor and
explicator of Larry Wall.

= Organisation =

Groupe romand des utilisateurs/trices de GNU/Linux et de Logiciels
libres (GULL)

Inscription sur
gull-annonces mailing list

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