Dear all,

The Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) is organizing again a series of Perl courses by Damian Conway in Lausanne on 25-28 September. The chosen topics are most likely have a direct (and positive) effect on your day-to-do programming, and they are:

 * Tue 25 September: Advanced Perl Programming Techniques
   A course for advanced Perl programmers who want to know more
   powerful, more efficient, and more maintainable implementation
 * Wed 26 September: New features of the Modern Perls (5.10 to 5.16)
   A must for all Perl programmers: don't wait for Perl6, but learn
   about all the new features available in recent Perl versions and
   ignored by most Perl programmers, and see with practical examples
   how they can improve the performance, robustness, and
   maintainability of your code.
 * Thu 27 September: Test-driven development in Perl
   This very successful class shows how to improve the reliability,
   usability, and maintainability of your codebase, using a design-
   by-testing approach.

On 28 September, we will organize Damian's one-day course on "Advanced Technical Presentation Techniques". This course is reserved for academic participants; however, let us know if you are very interested, as we could potentially accept a couple of external participants if some seats are available.

The cost is 300 CHF per day, with a reduced fee (200 CHF) for participants from the academic world. The price is kept low (in comparison to other similar courses) because SIB organizes the courses "at cost", without charging any overhead.

Please forward this email to anyone who may be interested. We need a minimum number of participants over the week for the course to happen, so register early if you are interested, or we may have to cancel some of the classes.

See for
more information and registration, and do not hesitate to contact me if
you have any question.

And of course... as usual, there will be free, public presentation by Damian during the week, but the exact day has not been determined yet.

Hope to see you there !

Frédéric Schütz, PhD        
Bioinformatics Core Facility (Delorenzi group)
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
University of Lausanne      
Batiment Genopode
Quartier Sorge                        Phone: +41 21 692 40 94
CH-1015 Lausanne                      Fax:   +41 21 692 40 65
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