El vie, 07-04-2017 a las 11:11 -0400, NetAdmin escribió:
> El 07/04/2017 a las 10:23 a.m., Arley Consuegra Roselló escribió:
> > En esta semana he estado presentando problemas con la asignación
> > dinámica de las direcciones ip.
> > Tengo mi ISC-DHCP-SERVER 4.3.1 sobre debian 8 repartiendo ips en el
> > rango
> > y algunas pcs( con windows) están perdiendo sus direcciones y tomando
> > otras en el rango
> >
> > Hice un scan con el nmap  y me devuelve
> >
> > Nmap scan report for
> > Host is up (-0.100s latency).
> > PORT   STATE         SERVICE
> > 67/udp open|filtered dhcps
> > MAC Address: 00:1F:E2:07:37:87 (Hon Hai Precision Ind. Co.)
> >
> > Nmap scan report for
> > Host is up (0.0026s latency).
> > PORT   STATE         SERVICE
> > 67/udp open|filtered dhcps
> > MAC Address: 08:00:27:3C:84:1F (Cadmus Computer Systems)
> >
> > En esas pcs no hay ningún dhcp montado.
> > ¿¿¿¿Alguna idea.???
> Esto me lo ha clarificado todo jaja:
> Inbound Scan
> Typically this traffic is related to normal DHCP operation and is not an 
> attack on your network.  DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is 
> how your computer gets its unique IP address.  When a system starts up 
> on a network it must first request an IP address (assume it is not using 
> a static IP address), and it does this by broadcasting a request to the 
> DHCP server:
> UDP ->
> since the requesting system doesn't have an IP address (why it is 
> asking) it uses and since its new to the network it doesn't know 
> where the DHCP server is, so it broadcasts the request to the entire 
> network (  On some networks you will see these requests 
> bounce off of your firewall (depending on your provider's network 
> configuration and if your router/firewall logs these requests), or your 
> firewall/router might log this traffic between it and your providers 
> DHCP server when it is getting or renewing its WAN IP address.
> The DHCP server then responds with something like:
> UDP ->
> This is typically a DHCP offer.  NOTE it has to be broadcasted 
> ( as the requesting system doesn't yet have an IP 
> address (its contained in the offer).  The data in this transmission 
> contains the IP and other network configuration information that the 
> requesting system needs to connect to the network (lease time, Subnet 
> Mask, etc).  Again on some networks you will see these bounce off of 
> your firewall (depending on your provider's network configuration and if 
> your router/firewall logs these), or your firewall/router might log this 
> traffic between it and your providers DHCP server when it is getting or 
> renewing its WAN IP address.
> Sometimes you will see something like:
> UDP ->
> as a request, followed by a reply
> UDP ->
> These are typically IP renewal requests, where a system has an IP 
> address and is asking to renew it (ie get the lease extended), or if its 
> not possible to renew the IP address to receive a new IP address from 
> the DHCP server.  Since the requesting system knows where the DHCP 
> server is and it already has a current IP address the requests don't 
> need to use and
> Parece que cerraste el server dhcp y no dejaste abierto el 67 provocando 
> que tus PC clientes no puedan renovar el ip. Abre el 68 en los clientes 
> si los tienes cerrado tambien
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.
> Gutl-l@jovenclub.cu
> https://listas.jovenclub.cu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gutl-l

Revisaré el firewall de las pcs clientes, pues en el server el 67 esta
iptables -A INPUT -i br0 --protocol udp --dport 67 --jump ACCEPT
Gracias por las respuetas.
Ing. Arley Consuegra Roselló.
Administrador de red de la 
    UEB MATHISA Granma.

Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.

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