We <http://icarto.es/> make an analysis of a similar issue some time ago.
It's not very well described but maybe this two documents can be of
interest to you:

* https://github.com/cartolab/libSpatialite/blob/master/README.md

Also the code of the libSpatialite project can apport some clue. These can
be the relevant files:


2017-08-08 8:53 GMT+02:00 andrea antonello <andrea.antone...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Joaquin,
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Thank you Andrea.
> > Xerial / sqlite-jdbc is a driver for Sqlite.
> >
> > Do you know any for SpatiaLite?
> Sorry, I didn't read properly at first. Now I understand.
> I gave a quick look at the code of these jdbc drivers and from what I
> can see the java API is simply the one of the jdbc, nothing added for
> spatialite (I might be wrong).
> That means that the xerial drivers should work the same way for you.
> For example the code in here:
> https://github.com/benstadin/spatialite4-jdbc/blob/master/
> demo/Spatialite.java
> 1) loads the spatialite native libraries
> 2) initializes the spatial part
> With the xerial drivers this is done almost the same way:
> https://github.com/moovida/jgrasstools/blob/master/dbs/
> src/main/java/org/jgrasstools/dbs/spatialite/jgt/SpatialiteDb.java
> It looks more complex because we also support the rasterlite part, but
> basically this loads the library:
> stmt.execute("SELECT load_extension('mod_spatialite',
> 'sqlite3_modspatialite_init')");
> and the method initSpatialMetadata inits the spatial part.
> Am I missing something? I am not sure.
> Ciao,
> Andrea
> >
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Andrea
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 8:58 PM, Joaquin Jose del Cerro Murciano <
> jjdelce...@gvsig.org> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hello everyone.
> >>> I recently added SpatiaLite support to gvSIG, which will appear with
> 2.4.0.
> >>>
> >>> As base library I used "spatialite4-jdbc"
> >>>
> >>>    https://github.com/benstadin/spatialite4-jdbc
> >>>
> >>> For development I usually work with Ubuntu Linux.
> >>> Leaving aside blocking issues with the BBDD I have not had too many
> problems;
> >>> but when I have generated the first builds and have tried it on
> windows it gave the error:
> >>>
> >>>    Java.lang.Exception: No native library is found for os.name =
> Windows and os.arch = amd64
> >>>
> >>> To my surprise, the jar does not include binaries for windows.
> >>>
> >>> Does anyone know if there is a JDBC driver for SpatiaLite that works
> on windows and linux?
> >>>
> >>> I would appreciate any help you can provide.
> >>>
> >>> a greeting
> >>> Joaquin
> >>>
> >>> -----------
> >>>
> >>> Hola a todos.
> >>> Recientemente he añadido a gvSIG soporte para usar SpatiaLite, que
> aparecera con la 2.4.0.
> >>>
> >>> Como libreria de base he usado "spatialite4-jdbc"
> >>>
> >>>   https://github.com/benstadin/spatialite4-jdbc
> >>>
> >>> Para desarrollo suelo trabajar con Ubuntu Linux.
> >>> Dejando de lado temas de bloqueos en la BBDD no he tenido demasiados
> problemas; pero cuando he generado los primeros builds y lo han probado en
> windows daba el error:
> >>>
> >>>   java.lang.Exception: No native library is found for os.name=Windows
> and os.arch=amd64
> >>>
> >>> Para mi sorpresa, el jar no incluye los binarios para windows.
> >>>
> >>> ¿ Alguien sabe si existe un driver JDBC para SpatiaLite que funcione
> en windows y linux ?
> >>>
> >>> Agradeceria cualquier ayuda que podais brindar.
> >>>
> >>> Un saludo
> >>> Joaquin
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> --------------------------------------
> >>> Joaquin Jose del Cerro Murciano
> >>> Development and software arquitecture manager at gvSIG Team
> >>> jjdelce...@gvsig.com
> >>> jjdelce...@gvsig.org
> >>> gvSIG Association
> >>> www.gvsig.com
> >>> www.gvsig.org
> >>>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> gvSIG-desktop-devel mailing list
> >>> http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/mailman/listinfo/gvsig-desktop-devel
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> gvSIG-desktop-devel mailing list
> >> http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/mailman/listinfo/gvsig-desktop-devel
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > --------------------------------------
> > Joaquin Jose del Cerro Murciano
> > Development and software arquitecture manager at gvSIG Team
> > jjdelce...@gvsig.com
> > jjdelce...@gvsig.org
> > gvSIG Association
> > www.gvsig.com
> > www.gvsig.org
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > gvSIG-desktop-devel mailing list
> > http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/mailman/listinfo/gvsig-desktop-devel
> _______________________________________________
> gvSIG-desktop-devel mailing list
> http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/mailman/listinfo/gvsig-desktop-devel

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