Il 27/01/2016 09:09, Silvia Franceschi ha scritto:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to add two fields to a point shapefile with the coordinates
> of the points X,Y.
> I have this very simple shapefile (just 2 fields) created using an other
> GIS in projection EPSG:3003. Following the instructions I should be able
> to visualize the option Add Measure in the Table menu of the shapefile,
> but for this file this option is not available.
> Do you have any idea on what or where I am wrong?

Ciao Silvia,
it seems like a bug. You should simply open the attribute table and
click on Layer > Add measure > Add X and Y, but it doesn't work with
your shape both in gvSIG 2.2 and 2.3 build 2416. Instead, I've tried to
do the same task with a point layer created in gvSIG and it works fine.
Could you please open a ticket about this issue in the bug tracker?


Antonio Falciano
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