> Greetings again,
>     I'm working on a couple of  gowns and will be needing to write
> something up about how I "would have" dyed them the color they are.
> Since, I am not a dyer (yet). Can someone give me a name of a good book
> on medieval dyes that I may be able to find at my local library?  The
> dye recipes I am looking for are a pink (more of a dusty rose) and a
> bluish violet.

I have done some natural dyeing in the past but I can't remember the books
that I used as reference (my dyeing partner bought and kept the books).

Your best bet may be to start with your library...older books are still
good references and won't cost you anything.  Once you decide to try some
dyeing yourself, you may want to invest in some books because they will
have weights and measures that will help immensely.

And if you want bonus points from the judges, mention how colorfast the
dye is.  You can achieve many colors using all kinds of natural dyestuffs
but many of them will fade either quickly or eventually.

Good luck & sorry I couldn't give you better suggestions!


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